Coach Cook’s salary is $600,000 per season from 2016 until 2021. He is also expected to receive 25% bonus from his base salary if he wins a national title.
Basketball players Jamil Wilson & Patric Young get the chance to try and show off their volleyball skills with the help of some female volleybelles. Enjoy the VIDEOS!
How RUDE! Imagine playing in the final match against a team who left after the first set because they had to attend their prom? WTH! You read it right! They left because they had to get ready for their PROMMMM!!!
Once again we are down to the Field of 64 & never without controversy. We’ve truly seen it all in this crazy & wacky season of major upsets, coaches being fired and/or leaving, players committing felonies, injuries & downright choking!
With just a month into the season, there is already SO much talk about who is the best team in the land. So for the sake of argument at this yet still very early time, I will ask “…will the real #1 please stand up”!
Who is she? Kari used play for University of Florida. She has what it takes to become a MODEL. For the first time, someone looks much hotter than us. LOL!