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Firemen & Policemen VS Nudists?

Only in New Zealand folks!

Over the weekend, firemen and policemen enjoyed a fabulous day of outdoor volleyball against the nudists from The Pineglades Naturist Club members. How exciting! The uniform-less players welcomed and accommodated the crew members with a very challenging (possibly distracting & eye popping ) volleyball match.

The 2 teams split the 2 matches they played. What happened to the 3rd set?

Since it was a very hot day in Canterbury, the nude players wore the best outfit. Hahaha! How Fun!

By the way, the firemen and police officers wore singlets and shorts but eventually joined the nude club in the pool after the event due to the scorching heat.

Everyone ended the day on a high note! How Fun!

Since this volleyball event happens every year, we wonder who they are inviting next year. Invite Team USA!  Team Italy! Team Brazil! Hahaha!

We kid! We kid! But you never know.

To know more about the Pineglades, click THIS.

We appreciate the support from the fire and police crew members of Canterbury. Thank you!

(source: newstalkzb/ images: sodahead & Pineglades)

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