19 players on the list BUT only 12 will make the FINAL CUT.
It’s going to be a tough on Coach ZRG to choose his BEST 12 players for the biggest sporting event of the year BUT at the same time we know he knows how to do it.
With 2 consecutive Olympic crowns, Brazil is still one of the favorites to win. On top of that, they are hosting the Olympics so they will have the crowd supporting them every step of the way.
Preliminary Roster:
Setters: Dani Lins, Fabíola, Roberta Ratzke, Naiane
Opposite Hitters: Sheilla, Tandara, Monique
Middle Blockers: Fabiana, Thaísa, Juciely, Carol, Adenízia
Outside Hitters: Natália, Fernanda Garay, Jaque, Gabi, Mari
Liberos: Camila Brait, Léia
Our thoughts…
We hope Fabiola, who is currently pregnant, gets back in shape after she gives birth and be in top shape for the Olympics. She deserves to play in the Olympics after getting cut 4 years ago.
Gabi and Natalia are in great shape. Hope they remain healthy.
Sheilla is still the main opposite hitter. Althought she is a bench player for her club team, Coach ZRG knows very well how to get her back on track.
Brazil has such a strong group of middle blockers. Our top 3 are Fabiana, Thaisa and Carol.
Fabi should come back as the libero but Camila may get chosen over Leia.
Any Thoughts?
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