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    Kim To Replace Sokolova?

    Could this be true? A superstar from Asia is reportedly going to take Lioubov Sokolova’s position next season. Is Fenerbahce going to hire the league’s first Asian player? Does she have what it takes to fill in the shoes of Sokolova? We hope so! Find Out Who She Is!

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    Is She Lying?

    We reported about Sinha’s tragic story a couple of weeks ago. She lost her leg after she a robbery & she was pushed off a moving train. O U C H! Well, it appears that Sinha is being questioned by police because her statement seems to be inconsistent. Is she really telling the truth? Is she lying? Did she lost her leg for the wrong reasons?

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    No World Cup In Japan?

    With the nuclear crisis devastating the nation, we think that they should cancel their hosting duties and pass it to another country. Right? The FIVB has stated that the main concern is nuclear radiation and that seeking a new host is very possible at this time. The FIVB needs the assurance that the air quality […]

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    You Can’t Lie in Korea

    No no no no no babe, no no no no don’t lie! You’ve been warned! If you ever play volleyball in Korea, make sure you remember this… Korean League Rule: If there is a “close call” the head ref will call over the other 4 line judges and consult. If a coach still disagrees with […]

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    Fans Behaving Badly

    Unnecessary. Fans can sometimes get aggressive and we completely understand but when fans start to get physical and start punching each other then it’s definitely WRONG & UNACCEPTABLE. Loud boos & whistles are considered normal but to FIGHT especially during a match needs to be resolved immediately. For example… Some Tianjin Fans are known to […]

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    A Teary Evergrande Finale

    Tianjin Bridgestone came from a 0-2 deficit to WIN the 2010/2011 Chinese League Title against Coach Jenny Lang Ping’s squad. The #1 ranked Guangdong Evergrande rallied to win the first 2 sets but fell apart when the Tianjin squad started to play a better game in sets 3 and 4 and eventually won the tiebreak […]

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    Japan’s 2011 Squad

    The Japanese Volleyball Federation has released its Women’s Roster for 2011. Coach Manabe has pretty much kept the same roster from last year with the addition of a few young players seeking to experience world class volleyball. Japan won the BRONZE at the 2010 World Championship after beating the USA and their solid performance throughout […]

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    Logan’s Team Took a Tumble

    Yikes! Logan Team and Team Evergrande (#1) lost their first match against the #2 ranked Tianjin Bridgestone last Sunday. Coach Jenny Lang Ping has a lot of work to do if they want to win the 2010/2011 Chinese League. The second match will be on April 2nd and if Logan’s team wins then the tiebreak […]

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    Want to Coach Australia?

    If you need a job and you have a great resume as a coach then you have until March 28th to submit your application! Do it now! Do it now! Do it now! Go Go Go! Our amazing friend from Oz Volley has posted this: Head Coach Job Advertisement The National Men’s Indoor Volleyball Program […]

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    OZ’s New Training Base

    It’s like the X-Mansion for Aussie Athletes! Take note, this new state of the art facility is in the Italian city of Gavirate and NOT in Australia. It will serve as the training center for sports like rowing, cycling, canoeing, athletics, triathlon, basketball, tennis, boxing, archery, shooting and VOLLEYBALL. To READ the Full Article, click […]

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