Coach Tillie has released his preliminary roster for the upcoming 2017 season. Noticeably missing are Rouzier (retired) and recovering Kevin Tillie.
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Coach Tillie has released his preliminary roster for the upcoming 2017 season. Noticeably missing are Rouzier (retired) and recovering Kevin Tillie.
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One of the world’s most talked about Volleywood stars, Earvin Ngapeth, in recent years took the time to visit some of his young fans at practice.
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Russia continues to fall from the top after being dethroned by while Earvin Ngapeth and Team Yavbou as the #1 team in Europe.
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We could hardly believe the news that World League and European Champion Antonin Rouzier has retired from the National Team.
Right after getting eliminated from the Olympics, Earvin Ngapeth only has one thing to say about the defeat Italy against Canada.
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The world knows that France is one of the top favorites to win GOLD or medal in the Olympics. We wonder what they have in store for us In Rio…
We’re a bit surprised but for sure Coach Laurent Tillie has his reasons why he is NOT taking the left handed outside hitter to Japan
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Earvin Ngapeth, Kevin Tillie and Team Yavbou are back together to prepare for the upcoming European Olympic Qualification Tourney which kicks off in less than a week.
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French players Kevin Tillie, Earvin Ngapeth, Antonin Rouzier,Kevin Leroux, Franck Lafitte and Benjamin Toniutti pay tribute to Paris via Instagram.
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Earvin Ngapeth has shocked the world with his actions like getting expelled from the team, got into a fight at a nightclub and a couple more.
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They are the BIGGEST VOLLEYWOOD STARS of 2015! Now that the international season is over and you wonder where are they playing this club season, well this POST is just for you.
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French outside hitter Earvin Ngapeth can’t take it anymore and finally decides to share some crazy and scary messages from one of his haters named Dejan Milosavljevic.