After being named as Europe’s Best Female Volleyball Player Of 2017, the left handed Boskovic receives another recognition.
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After being named as Europe’s Best Female Volleyball Player Of 2017, the left handed Boskovic receives another recognition.
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She got CUT again! Sanja Malagurski’s absence from the final roster could either be injury or someone is better than her on the squad.
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The 2011 European Champion from Serbia has played in 3 different clubs this season and 3 different countries: Germany, Iran and now France.
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32 year old Nikola Kovacevic aka one of Serbia’s best and most decorated players in the last decade announces his retirement from the National Team.
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Serbia’s scoring machine Jovana Brakocevic is pregnant and will take the entire year off to prepare for motherhood. The 2011 European Champion is expected to give birth early next year.
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After the tragic death of German player Dennis Hefter a few weeks ago, another young player is killed in a similar incident. Jana Duric was on her way home when a train fatally took her life.
Nikola Grbic was just appointed as the head coach of Serbia men’s national team that this year will be vying for more glory at the inaugural European Games, FIVB World League and CEV Volleyball European Championship.
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Coach Terzic says she is. So who is telling the TRUTH? Can we safely assume that Sanja and Coach are not in good terms? We are a bit shocked that Sanja will NOT play at the World Championship.
We have so much love for players who take their time to take pics & sign autographs for their fans just like Serbian star Aleksandar Atanasijevic.
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Serbia’s coach Kolakovic has publicly shared his disappointment on the Polish team getting to practice at the National Stadium in Warsaw 2 days before their first match.
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Serbian players joined the final match of the tournament, jointly organized by VC Vojvodina NS Seme NOVI SAD & a school of volleyball from Novi Sad, at the Square of Liberty.
The Serbian Volleyball Federation has promised to help out as best it can following devastating floods across the country and other Balkan nations. We CAN ALSO HELP Serbia!