Tine Urnaut, Klemen Cebulj, Mitja Gasparini, Dejan Vincic and Team and team received a heroes welcome yesterday by their loved ones and supporters including Mayor Zoran Janković.
Slovenia’s volleyball program makes history with their women’s team qualifying for the 2015 European Championship. To make it even sweeter, their men’s team has qualified as well!
Bring It Promotions (BIP) is hosting 42 women &15 men in Maribor, Slovenia. BIP started running Men’s Exposure Tours in 1996 & this is the 15th Annual Women’s Exposure Tour.
Since the very first day Greek player itar Tzourits & Slovenia’s Tine Urnaut met (August 2008) they have been calling each other ‘brate’ (brother). Click to read their more about Mitar and Tine’s BROMANCE!