Is he HOT? Yes!
Is he SEXY? Yes!
Is he a MODEL? Yes!
With all the “YES!” answers, no doubt Canada’s Mike Di Carlo has the complete package to work it on the volleyball court, in front of the cameras and on the runway.
In his first main interview feature on the site, the 22 year old from Toronto chats with Volleywood founder, Ace, as he candidly shares his experiences so far as a model and a bit about his volleyball career.
The Mike Di Carlo Interview
Ace: Before I start asking and getting all nosy about your modeling career, if you can please share about your life as a volleyball player.
Mike: For me, Volleyball was a very slow start, but progressed faster then anything else. I first started playing in Grade 7, where I was definitely not a stand-out player, but rather just a well-rounded athlete. In grade ten, I made my High School’s Senior team, and that’s when I knew it was my sport. I started to play on club team’s in grade 11, and that was when I started to play beach. I can definitely say that Beach volleyball is my stronger game, as I have had some impressive finishes at the Men’s Canadian National Finals in the past. On the court I have been a valuable asset on both the Niagara College Men’s Volleyball team (where I was named rookie of the year) as well as the George Brown Men’s Volleyball team (as captain), where I am currently playing. My goal is to place in the Canadian Nationals this season for Beach.
Ace: How in the world did you get into modeling? Did you ever think you’d get into this?
Mike: Modelling?! Me?! For sure something that I would have NEVER thought about. A few years ago when I was playing a volleyball game at Niagara College, I was approached by a recruiter from a Toronto Modelling Agency, at first I was a little questionable, and flattered, but thought that I would be crazy not to give it a try. One week later, I had a stack of papers in front of me at a desk, and I had just signed my first contract with Ford Models Toronto.
Ace: What are your goals as a model? How do you see yourself progress in this field?
Mike: My initial goals with being a model were to travel the world. Since that was something that was accomplished long ago, my new goal is to get a major campaign and be featured in Toronto’s Dundas Square. This would not only change my status as a model…but the status of my bank account!
Ace: How was your first modeling gig? Where was it? What did you have to do? Were you nervous? What were the thoughts and feelings going through your head on your first project as a model?
Mike: My very first gig as a model was for a Walmart flyer. It was shot in Toronto, for all of Canada’s Walmart locations. I was featured on many pages on the flyer, posing in swimsuits to dress shirts. I remember walking in, and being completely nervous, but doing anything to appear normal. After ten minutes of being on set, I let loose, and had an amazing time!
Ace: How did you spend your first paycheck as a model?
Mike: My first paycheck as a model actually bought my flight to Milan, Italy, where I spent many months modelling for an agency in Milan.
Ace: Volleyball & modeling are 2 different worlds, straight from the heart which one do you enjoy the most at this point in your life and why?
Mike: Modelling is something that has opened up a million new doors, and introduced me to some amazing people, but at the end of the day, I was born and raised to compete, and Volleyball is the thing that drives me more than anything else.
Ace: Modeling has taken you to several countries, can you share the places you’ve been to and what makes each spot memorable or what do you remember most of each country?
Mike: Spent the most amount of time there, met amazing people, made enough money to travel anywhere I wanted to on weekends in Milan. While in Greece, I only stayed a short period of time there, and it’s summed up by the movie “Animal House”. In Greece, all the models live in once place. It’s crazy! Passed through Paris, but got to walk in a couple shows. Was a new experience that I completely loved.
Ace: What are the (life lessons) lessons you’ve learned in volleyball that you can use or apply in your life as a model?
Mike: Being a volleyball player has given me exceptional teamwork skills, and I believe it’s something extremely helpful with becoming a successful model. No matter what the job is, there is always many people running around, and being able to help out with anything on the side makes every one’s job’s easier, and your image in the modelling community much better.
Ace: What about lessons you’ve learned in modeling you can use in your volleyball life?
Mike: Confidence! I don’t care who I’m playing against, the second I take my first step on to the court, I honestly believe that I AM better then my opponent, and will not stop until the game is over.
Ace: How comfortable are you with your body? You’re 6’2, you got the looks, the physique. If ever you get offered to pose naked for a men’s magazine, would you do it? why or why not? Let’s say Playgirl offers you $1 million.
Mike: Confidence is one thing that I do not lack, but dealing with friends laugh at you is another thing. I think that if I had the permission from my girlfriend and was paid $1 million and 1 dollars, I would do it.
Ace: Any unpleasant or forgettable experiences so far?
Mike: I will never forget the first day that I arrived at the agency in Milan. I had just travelled for more then 12 hours, and was extremely tired, and when I arrived at the agency I was expecting to get keys and directions to my new apartment, but instead I was handed a map of the city and a list of clients that I had to go see that day. I ended up running around town like a chicken with his head cut off, and went to 7 or 8 castings. The next day I had booked two of the jobs, and I knew early that Milan would be an amazing experience.
Ace: You’ve mentioned that 2 of the most unforgettable moments so far was when you wore “gold tights” and also you got the opp to wear a $4,000 Hugo Boss tailor made suit. Are there any other moments you can share?
Mike: Just recently, for valentines day I was working in store at Holt Renfrew. It was a seasonal special that they were doing for valentines day. Long story short, I was wearing a toga, and angel wings, walking around the store and giving out free chocolate. Although it was hard to overcome the embarrassment at first, once I started to laugh at myself, I has a ton of fun, and did not complain about my paycheck at the end of the day.
Ace: How do you maintain your body? What’s your diet like? Any fitness routine? Any diet tips to share?
Mike: I think that I have always been a little lucky with having a fast metabolism, but besides training 6 times a week, for both court and beach volleyball, I am in my personal gym at my condo in Toronto as often as I can, and jumping in the pool is something that I strongly believe helps to maintain a perfect well-rounded body. My diet is very basic, where as I avoid as many sweets as possible, and try healthier alternatives whenever possible (ex. whole wheat bread instead of white, vegetables instead of mashed potatoes…)
Ace: Out of all the female supermodels in the world, who do you want to work with? why?
Mike: Alessandra Ambrosio. I think our hair would match great in pictures. No other reason. Lol!
Ace: I know you have a girlfriend but hope you don’t mind if we play a quick game. So I’d show you pictures of some of the world’s most beautiful female vb players and all you need to do is describe each player in a few words. Ready?
Mike: Yes!
Ace: Kim Glass (USA)
Mike: Great Hitter
Ace: Francesca Piccinini (Italy)
Mike: 3 Time Olympian!
Ace: Victoria Ravva (France)
Mike: Best Blocker!
Ace: Naz Aydemir (Turkey)
Mike: Nice Hands!
Ace: Tatiana Kosheleva (Russia)
Mike: Wold Champion!
Ace: Kasia Skowronska (Poland)
Mike: Two time European Championship Gold Medalist!
Ace: Sanja Popovic (Croatia)
Mike: She Can Play!
Ace: It seems you did a lot of research on each of these players. Now out of all of them, who do you think is the hottest?
Mike: I heard that Tatiana Kosheleva had a high fever lately. I’m assuming she’d be the hottest because of that
Ace: I’m going to put you in a very tough situation and here it goes. Somewhere down the road, you get to play in the Olympics but then a life changing modeling gig comes up which could turn you into the world’s top models but it requires you to miss the Olympics. What would you do?
Mike: Olympics Hands Down!
Ace: I dont know you well enough nor seen a lot of your gigs, but straight from my heart I really think that you have what it takes to take become bigger in the modeling world, do you plan to pursue it further?
Mike: Modelling started as a cool side-gig for me. At the end of the day I’ll do anything that progresses my ability to be as successful as possible, if modelling continues to become more successful then I will be more likely to pursue it, otherwise I hope to own my own events planning/marketing business in Toronto.
Ace: You have a very strong support system, you got your family and friends. Do you have any special message for them?
Mike: My family, friends and girlfriend are the most important people in my life. They all do amazing jobs at keeping my on track and supporting my every decision. I want to officially thank them all for everything that they have done and tell them all that I love them unconditionally.
Ace: What’s your sexiest body part?
Mike: my Abs. The thing I work out the most because a strong core is the most beneficial element for a well-rounded athlete. It helps to stabilize every movement, whether it be an upper or lower body movement.
Ace: I’m going to end this amazing chat with 2 of my favorite questions. What’s the biggest mistake you’ve ever done in your life as a model and as volleyball player and what did you do to correct it?
Mike: In Volleyball, I can’t say that it was a mistake, but I have had three knee surgeries, and it has put my volleyball career back further then I planned to be at this stage. While in modeling, I should have stayed in Europe longer when I was there. Ended up spending a few months in Toronto “figuring” out my life when I returned.
Ace: Finally, the mirror question. If you were holding a mirror now and be given the chance to talk to yourself as a man, as a fiance, as a soon to be husband, as a friend, as a son… what would you tell yourself?
Mike: Keep living each and every day like it was your last.