In case you didn’t know, Coach Miguel Falasca is now unemployed after Polish club team PGE Skra Belchatow fired him because of poor results like failing to advance to the Final 4 of the CEV Champions League and the losing key matches in the Polish League.
Falasca did not see it coming and is reportedly very shock with the team’s decision and immediately replaced him with the assistant coach of the Polish national team, Philippe Blain.
Skra players like Facundo Conte, Srecko Lisinac, Karol Klos and Nicolas Marechal shared on social media well wishes to their former coach.
Miguel, thanks for everything u did for me in last two seasons. For all things u learn me, for helping me became better player and I hope we will have occasion work together again!!!
Posted by Srećko Lisinac on Tuesday, March 29, 2016
Chciałbym bardzo serdecznie podziękować trenerowi Miguelowi Falasce (@mafalasca) za 3 wspólne sezony w Bełchatowie. To była przyjemność grać z nim, a później przychodzić do niego na treningi. Wiele mu zawdzięczam, tak jak i moi koledzy. Bardzo dużo mnie nauczył – nie tylko jak odbijać piłkę, ale także jak zachowywać się na boisku, a dzięki temu też w życiu. To on dał mi szansę i obdarzył mnie swoim ogromnym zaufaniem. Ja starałem się odwdzięczyć się mu za to wszystko na boisku. Pod jego wodzą zdobyliśmy Mistrzostwo Polski, Puchar Polski, SuperPuchar i wywalczyliśmy pierwszy raz sportowo awans do F4 LM w Berlinie. Dzięki niemu uwierzyłem w siebie i mogłem grać na 100 procent swoich możliwości. To, że zagrałem na MŚ w Polsce i mogłem zdobyć z chłopakami tytuł MŚ to też jest jego zasługa. Jestem tego pewien. Dziękuję Trenerze. Mam nadzieję, że nasze drogi jeszcze kiedyś się zejdą. Powodzenia Trenerze! I would like to thank coach Miguel Falasca (@mafalasca) for 3 seasons spent together in Bełchatów. It was a pleasure to play with him and then to come to his trainings. I owe him a lot and so do my teammates. He taught me many things – not only how to play, but also how to behave on the court and outside of it. It was him, who trusted me completely and gave me a real chance to play. I always tried to repay him for all this on the court. Under his leadership we won Polish Championship, Polish Cup, Super Cup and for the first time we qualified to F4 Champions League in Berlin. Thanks to him I belived in myself and I could play at my best. The fact that I played during the WC in Poland and had a chance to win it with my teammates is also down to him. I am sure of it. Thank you coach. I hope that our paths cross again someday. Good luck Coach! Karol
A photo posted by @karolklos on Mar 29, 2016 at 11:32am PDT
Can we safely say that these players are NOT happy with what happened to Falasca?
We wonder how Coach Blain will do knowing that the Polish League Playoffs is right around the corner.