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Thaisa Menezes Retires From National Team


“I am not planning on playing for the national team, I need to give my body and my mind a rest so I am able to prepare for the pre-club season in a calm way. I want to play for as long as I can. My knees will for sure get weaker in the next few years but they feel strong. I can play and practice normally without knee problems but playing for a lot of matches with the national team would be very bad for me.”


This news is still developing and therefore unofficial.

Two time Olympic Champion and one of Brazil’s best players in the last decade, Thaisa Menezes, has reportedly retired from the national team. This could be the reason why her name is NOT on Brazil’s preliminary roster for the upcoming 2019 season.

“Thaisa has made a practical decision to retire from the team because she wants to extend her professional career. Playing as a pro and with the national team is physically demanding which Thaisa could not fully commit due to the injuries she has had in the past. She will make the announcement soon.” -source

If this news is indeed true then Thaisa’s final appearance with the national team was last year at the 2018 World Championship.

In case you didn’t know, another experienced middle blocker, Adenizia, has also revealed she has no intention of playing this year to get some rest and to focus on her upcoming wedding. However, Ade stated that she would leave her door open for Coach Ze Roberto if he ever needs her for next year – 2020 Olympics.

With Thaisa and Ade out of the picture, Brazil can rely on the remaining middle blockers Ana Beatriz Silva aka Bia, Milka Medeiros and Lara Nobre. Other players will be added as soon as the Superliga officially ends.

Brazil’s Preliminary Roster:

Dani Lins
Roberta Ratzke
Juma Silva

Opposite Hitters:
Tandara Caixeta

Middle Blockers:
Ana Beatriz Silva
Milka Medeiros
Lara Nobre

Outside Hitters:
Drussyla Costa
Amanda Francisco
Gabriela Cândido

Camila Brait
Natália Pereira Araújo
Tássia Silva

Other invitees:
Lorenne Teixeira
Tainara Santos
Julia Bergmann

Libero Camila Brait has DECLINED to play for her country. Her decision to reject Coach Ze’s invitation is understandable knowing that Brait was excluded from the Olympic team in 2012 and 2016. In a recent press release, Brait made it clear though that she and Coach Ze have talked about their issues.

“I am very honored and happy to be called once again for selection and to know that the door remains open. Zé and I had a talk. We talked about choices, decisions and new paths but due to some personal issues, I can not join the national team.”

It’s great to know they’ve talked and can now move on.

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Antes de tudo, quero deixar aqui registrada minha gratidão ao Luizomar, ao Osasco e sua torcida maravilhosa que sempre confiaram em mim. Daqui a pouco temos uma nova temporada juntos. #maisosascodoquenunca 🏐😃 Sobre a convocação 🇧🇷, estou feliz em ter o esforço do meu trabalho reconhecido novamente. Confesso que no curto prazo meu objetivo era somente voltar a jogar em alto nível e dar a Alice o amor e a atenção que ela merece.💕 Não existe meio termo no esporte, principalmente na seleção. Ou se está 100% ou não se está. Nos 8 anos que estive lá, deixei o máximo da minha dedicação e esforço e, não gostaria de mudar isso. Conversei com Zé, falamos de decisões, escolhas e eu pedi um tempo pra entender como seriam essas possíveis mudanças na minha vida atual, então, não me junto ao grupo. Agora é tempo de pensar com calma, mas estou honrada em saber que as portas estão abertas pra mim. 😘😘 #cbrait #atletammssports #volei #volleyball #voleifeminino

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